

The finishing touches are complete and the BreedELITE Fleece Weigh System is ready…Are You?

The Progressive Producers we have been working with to put the finishing touches on the Fleece Weigh system have all seen the transformation to:

  • Quicker fleece weighing
  • Less cost
  • More accurate weights and data entry….and
  • More time with their family rather than on the computer at the end of the day

They are saying things like…

“Stoked with the BreedELITE Fleece Weigh System! Turning what was a complex job into something a couple of backpackers can handle. Makes taking a midside sample achievable at the same time…”

Watch this video to learn how you could also achieve similar results…

but be sure to watch to the end to find out how to be amongst the first in Australia to take advantage of this incredible product.

In my previous two videos we discussed the importance of collecting individual fleece weights in a wool flock…

Watch Video 1 here…

and saw the early prototypes of the Fleece Weigh System in action on a couple of progressive sheep farms…

Watch Video 2 here…

If you have any questions please put them in the comment box below and keep an eye out for my next email.