Four Ways Precision Livestock Management Can Boost Sheep Farm Profitability

In our previous post, we explained what Precision Livestock Management (PLM) is. Today we are going to uncover the four major benefits of PLM.

There are four main ways that PLM can boost the profitability of your Sheep Enterprise:

1. Current Generation Gain

Keeping the highest performing animals and culling the worst performers, means that you maximise the profitability of the animals on your farm.

2. Accelerated Genetic Progress

Using data and tools like quantitative genetics and other emerging technologies that enhance genetic gains in the areas that drive your profitability.

3. Management Efficiencies

Change the way you manage your sheep – using efficient technology box them up or split them up with ease to take advantage of the seasons and feed on offer, perform management tasks or better match paddock sizes. You will also increase labour efficiency through technology that either saves you time or allows a three person job to be done by one person, freeing up your labour to focus on higher-value tasks.

4. Short Term Market Opportunities

Being able to use your data to sort or segregate animals to take advantage of market pricing (micron premiums, weight grids, etc) allows you to capture short term market opportunities or make the right decisions through the drought.

So these are the four major benefits of PLM in your sheep enterprise. Have you already implemented PLM in your Sheep Enterprise? Let us know where you are at in the comments below.