(SECRET #5) Is The BreedELITE Sheep System A Good Investment?
If you’ve been thinking about getting into Precision Sheep Management or using more data in your sheep farm.
You may have looked at investing in sheep technology or softwareto make it all easier. You may have even heard about The BreedELITE Sheep System and the benefits that go along with it.
But before jumping in it’s important to do your due diligence and determine whether the BreedELITE Sheep System is the right decision for you.
No investment in Software of Technology will be perfect and there will always be pros and cons. That’s what we’ll be analysing in this article. Well go over all the reasons why the BreedELITE Sheep System is a good investment, as well as a few things to think about before you make a purchase.
One Company
- All products are designed to work together as a system so you don’t get stuck dealing with tech issues.
- Your data is always in one place (the software) which means it is always useable when the sheep are in the yards. You don’t have to move it between devices.
- Tech problems are BreedELITE’s issue not yours. If there is a problem you only have one company to call and that company can fix all problems.
Small Upfront Investment Relative To The Gains Available
The BreedELITE Sheep System is unique and offers several advantages over other pieced together systems available on the market.
GAIN #1 – Keep and Breed From The Best Animals
- Current generation gain: each your you will be sending a percentage of your sheep off of your farm. Every sheep you own costs you about the same amount to run but the difference in value of the production from the top performers to the worst performers can be huge. Knowing which sheep to keep and which sheep to sell immediately puts money in your pocket.
- Genetic gain: like compound interest, genetic gains compound over time so that the impact of making genetic progress year on year multiplies together to give you a much bigger benefit than the current generation gain. Keeping from an breeding from the best sheep coupled with selecting high performing rams to breed from accelerates this process and amplifies the gains.
GAIN #2 – Less Labour
- The BreedELITE Sheep System will allow you to turn most data collection and sorting jobs into a one-person job (you can even leave the dog at home)
- When most jobs only need one person, they get done when they should rather than when labour available. Timeliness is very important in farming.
- Flexibility aroundmob size: Running big mobs where possible is one of the biggest ways to save labour. Most conventional sheep farms run age based mobs as sorting sheep is too hard or time consuming. The BreedELITE Sheep System allows you to run large mobs when you can but the easily split them up as needed to suit things like mating and lambing where you may want smaller mobs.
GAIN #3 – Confidence In The Hard Times
- Having figures on your sheep is like insurance. In the hard times you will have confidence you have kept the best sheep on your place if you have to reduce your numbers.
- You can also take advantage of market conditions or premiums that may be available with confidence you are keeping your top animals to breed from next year.
GAIN #4 – Lead The Industry
- Improve your genetic performance and give your clients confidence that you are an industry leader
- You are tracking the right things and are making progress on what matters for your and their business.
Low Stress Sheep Management
- The BreedELITE Smart Drafter reduces stress on you and your sheep.
- Sheep work becomes fun again when you aren’t forcing sheep, having dogs barking in your ear, fighting with your partner or dealing with tech issues.
Perfect For Beginners – Fast Learning Curve
- The BreedELITE Sheep System is designed to all work together as one system. That means you only need to learn how to use the BreedELITE Sheep Software and then you can control all of the tech that connects to it from one place.
No Technology Ceilings – Capability To Support Even The Largest Studs
- The BreedELITE Sheep System has been designed to support the most complicated data recording requirements of the largest studs.
- To keep it simple for you the first thing you will do is hide the functionality you won’t use so it is easy and suits your needs now.
- You will have confidence that the extra capability is there when you need it.
Adaptable To Your Needs
- If you aren’t ready for the full system that is no worries.
- Start with the industry leading pedigree and performance recording software with confidence that you can add other tech to the system at any stage.

Australian Made and Supported
- The majority of the BreedELITE products are certified Australian Made so you know you are supporting jobs and manufacturing in Australia.
- Our support team is all located in Australia and are here to help you with any query you may have from setup to training to support.

Tax Write Offs
- Depending on your situation an investment in the BreedELITE Sheep System is likely to be tax deductible.
While there are a number of benefits to the BreedELITE Sheep System there are a couple of drawbacks that are worth considering.
Learn To Do Things Differently
- Learning a new way of doing things will always take some time.
- You will be provided with all of the training and support you need to succeed, however you will still need to commit to the process of up-skilling yourself to get the most out of the system.
No Silver Bullets
- The BreedELITE Sheep System will drastically improve your productivity and simplify your data collection and sheep management, however there are no silver bullets.
- We will help you integrate the system into your business but we cannot run your sheep farm for you. Two farmers running similar systems can get very different results. It’s all down to the way they commit to implementing what we teach and being open to new ways of doing things.
Doesn’t Connect To Your Existing Tech
- The BreedELITE Sheep software will not control your existing tech. If you want to use your old tech you will have equivalent functionality to all other software available on the market and can export and import data to and from your old tech if you chose to.
Do you have questions or would you like to discuss your Sheep Technology needs…?
Click here to book in a sheep technology audit with one of our professionals.